CoKu Tau/4 is an intriguing find unveiled by the Spitzer Space Telescope. Located in the Taurus constellation, it appears to be an exoplanet nestled in the proximity of a nearby star's dusty planet-forming disk.
What sets CoKu Tau/4 apart is its distinction as one of the youngest known planets, less than a million years old. This exoplanet's unique feature lies in its resemblance to the giant planets of our solar system during their early formation billions of years ago.
The precise dimensions of CoKu Tau/4 have not yet been determined.
In the artist's conception (as shown in the banner at the top of the page), a graceful ring akin to Saturn's orbits high above the exoplanet's misty atmosphere. Comprising countless minute particles of dust and ice, this ring is a remnant of the planet's early formation process. If we were to venture to a world like this, our view of the cosmos would be markedly different. Instead of the familiar darkness speckled with distant stars, the sky would be dominated by the dense disc of dust enveloping the young planetary system. Gazing toward CoKu Tau 4, the sky would be relatively unobstructed, with the interior dust of the disc having settled into the accreting star. Encircling the central star, a luminous band would emerge, a result of light scattering off the dust in the disc. Conversely, turning away from CoKu Tau 4, the dusty disc would cast a shadow, obscuring light from nearly all stars in the sky except those located far above the disc's plane. The planet's inner workings and density remain elusive, though its speculated mass is comparable to Jupiter's, and it likely shares a resemblance with ancient giant planets from eons past or billions of years ago in our own solar system.
Currently, there is no available information regarding the presence of tectonic plates on CoKu Tau/4. However, given its presumed likeness to a gas giant, the likelihood of this exoplanet having tectonic plates is exceedingly low.
The exact distance between CoKu Tau/4 and its parent star remains uncertain. However, it is positioned approximately 420 light years away from Earth, within the Taurus constellation.
CoKu Tau/4 is believed to be a gas planet, but its composition remains a mystery.
As of yet, we do not know its temperature.
CoKu Tau/4 is estimated to be around 1 million years old in Earth years or less.
The gravitational force of this exoplanet is unknown.
There is no information about the magnetic field of this exoplanet.
The time it takes for this exoplanet to make an orbit is still unknown.
The time it takes for this exoplanet to make a rotation is still unknown.
We do not know how many moons it has.
Floating above the planet's cloudy atmosphere, a Saturn-like ring adds to the intriguing features of CoKu Tau/4. Comprising an assembly of tiny dust and ice particles that once resulted from the planet's initial gravitational collapse, this graceful ring has captured the imagination of scientists and observers alike.
Author: William Homier
Editor: William Homier
This page was last edited on 20 August 2023, at 13:14 (HAE).